Post Covid 19 Anxiety? You are not alone.


We have all struggled with the arrival of Covid 19 in various ways and, while lockdown is slowly lifting, you may be surprised that the long-awaited freedoms are bringing with them unexpected states of anxiety. What will happen next? What plans can you make to get out and about or go on holiday that keep you and your loved ones safe? Will life ever feel quite the same again and do you even want to go back to how life was? Maybe you have increased financial worries or are grieving the loss of some-one close to you? Many people are experiencing anxiety at what the future holds and life feels as uncertain as ever. More than ever, we need to be our own ‘best friend’ and take the inevitable changes at our own pace. But if you feel really overwhelmed and fearful, this may well be a good opportunity to find some support from friends and family or a therapist who can help you through this challenging time.  

Cognitive hypnotherapy is a great option for many people and can get to the root of problems that are causing you anxiety and help you find a proactive way of relieving worries and finding a sense of peace. Take a look at this blog for useful tips….


Mental Health Week May 2021


Injecting new hope – how Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help with needle phobias.