Are you suffering with the Christmas blues?

Sad Dogs in Christmas hats

'Tis the season to be jolly..... Or is it? Not everyone looks forward to Christmas and it can easily be a time that triggers emotional challenges. Even if you are surrounded by family, relations can be really fraught and bring up old wounds and patterns of unhelpful behaviour. And if life already feels lonely, Christmas often works to increase those feelings - especially if you think everyone else is having fun.

Even for those who enjoy the festive season, extended time off to mull things over, added to dark days and cold weather, can easily result in feelings of disappointment, depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. The party season brings with it a variety of other potential stressors too, including lack of sleep, alcohol and financial strain.

It’s important to acknowledge these difficulties and seek professional help if Christmas becomes especially bleak.

There are some tips that can help:

1.Stay active and get some fresh air in natural surroundings every day, whatever the weather.

2. Be mindful of your alcohol and food consumption. Don’t forget the water!

3. Turn off those rosy adverts on TV selling you the ‘dream’ of Christmas - not the reality

4. Reach out to friends who you know will listen and make a plan to contact anyone you know who may also be struggling

5. Have the courage to say ‘no’ if something is organised that is only going to make you feel worse

6. Volunteer to cheer up others...there are lots of people who need extra support at this time

7. Take some Vitamin D to counteract the lack of sunshine

8. Smile and look up – even if you don’t feel like it. The mind / body connection is very powerful and can help shift the ‘blues’


The Hub of Hope

The NHS provides a useful service called The Hub of Hope - The Hub of Hope lists support and services for family and friends to find help.

If you or someone you know feels suicidal or might be a danger to themselves or others, call 999 or contact Samaritans or Crisis Text Line directly through the Hub of Hope app, via the Need Help Now? Button.

Is therapy a good option?

Alternatively, if you or someone you know is struggling, some cognitive hypnotherapy can work wonders and may also help kickstart a fresh and more optimistic mindset for 2022.

Find out more about me and other Quest practitioners at


Blue Monday and the Wonder Vitamin


Dog Advice: If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.