Are you asleep at the wheel? Why choose Cognitive Hypnotherapy to make positive changes in your life?

are you sleep at the wheel?

Asleep at the wheel?

So many people drive through life ‘asleep at the wheel’. Our negative behaviour can easily become habitual, and we find ourselves making the same wrong decisions over and over again and reacting in ways we don’t understand and are rarely helpful on reflection. These are ‘knee-jerk’ reactions, and they can, if left unchecked, lead us to some very unhappy places - in our jobs, in our relationships and with our opinion of ourselves.

Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy is different from traditional hypnotherapy. We consider ‘trance’ to be a normal state much like daydreaming in a boring meeting, or like missing a turning while driving because your mind has drifted off somewhere else.

We also view trances as central to many people’s problems - moments when we are triggered into anger, sadness or anxiety and we feel like we are not in control - like smoking that cigarette or mindlessly eating an extra slice of cake we don’t really want.


The role of the Cognitive Hypnotherapist is to help the client ‘de-hypnotise’ themselves from these negative states so they have a more conscious choice in how to behave in any situation. We focus on how to use the client’s own trance states to help them make the changes they need. We ensure the client is always aware and awake in any induced trance states that we use in the therapeutic techniques. Often some relaxed, gentle breathing with eyes closed is all that is required.

The Power of Language

One of the major developments in modern hypnotherapy has been due to the insights gained about the power of language that has come from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). The quality and accuracy of the language that Quest therapists use when making suggestions are one of the distinguishing features that makes this form of therapy so effective.

Quest therapists are taught a ‘wordweaving’ technique which enables them to generate suggestions that are tailored to the needs of each individual client. We do not use set scripts as was often the case with traditional hypnotherapy. After all, one person’s reason to smoke or overeat is not the same as another’s, so a bespoke approach is always needed.

 Quest therapists are trained in the practice of hypnotic language and are taught how to use the client’s own view of the world and language patterns to provide extremely effective recordings that can be used between sessions to encourage major changes in the subconscious thoughts of the client.  

The Mind / Body Connection

One of the most exciting prospects in hypnosis comes from the discoveries in the fields of psychoneuroimmunology and neuroscience concerning the mind/body connection. The evidence that shows all parts of the mind and body constantly communicate with each other is growing, even in medical circles. The power of the mind to heal the body is now widely accepted and Quest therapists can use skills and techniques to promote the natural healing potential of the body.

It also follows that the negative power of the mind can and does cause illness and disease so hypnotherapy can be used as preventative medicine and to alleviate any medical issues that have already arisen in a client.

Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help you ‘wake up’ and get back in the driver’s seat in the following ways:

  • Supply your mind with empowering beliefs that will change the way you experience the world you live in

  • Learn how you interact with your environment and how language affects your behaviour

  • Discover the links between your thoughts, the way you feel, and your body

  • Uncover and gain more control over your unconscious mind which can drive you towards what you want - or more importantly, away from what you don’t want

  • Identify and change your belief systems that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential

  • Uncover seemingly minor childhood traumas that have led to negative behaviours in later life and reframe these into more positive learnings

If you’re curious to know more, please visit my website at or call me on 07989 535527 for a complimentary 20-minute introductory call.


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